Ayelet Ben-Zvi

Once upon a time in a faraway land (Israel), I was a lawyer. It had some room for creativity but not the kind I was looking for. Yet ever since I was a child, I liked to get my hands dirty with mud, colors, and glue.

A few years have passed, I moved to the US and became a web content writer and editor for my company BOA Ideas, but working from home allowed me to start playing with different materials again. 

I worked with cardboard, building some furniture, glass, cork, fabrics, plastic bags, objects around the house that fell from my kids’ pockets, and whatnot? Loved the process of Re-cycling, Re-using, Re-shaping, turning stuff into other objects, into art, and even taught a class called "Trash to Art'' at our local 4H. Along with that, I love travelling around the world, learning about and meeting people of different cultures, finding adventures and photographing.

My journey continued a few years back, when I discovered and fell in love with clay. I used to schlepp to a far away community studio, but a couple of years ago, I decided to stick to things that make me happy, thus fully emerging myself in clay, and am now a happy (small) pottery studio owner. Clay continues to help me discover happiness and self expression. It also taught me patience, respect for the slow process of mud to pot, and the joy of experimenting.  You can find my pottery on https://www.etsy.com/shop/YulaPottery and follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/yulapottery/. Read. a bit on my blog HomeGreens.wordpress.com and see how I create my art at https://youtu.be/JKT3oU9UaGc.